AUW's Lisa Kimura Discusses the Updated ALICE Report, and the Impact of COVID-19 on Hawaii's Struggling Families

The Hawaii Data Collaborative is partnering with the Hawaii Executive Collaborative for a “By the Numbers” series featured on the Honolulu Star-Advertiser’s COVID-19 Care Conversation. Every Monday morning during the month of June, we will be inviting some of our partners and collaborators to share how they are using data to help Hawaii address the impacts of COVID-19 in our community. Tune in every Monday in June at 11:00am (HST) to catch the segment!

On Monday, June 22nd, Lisa Kimura, Vice President of Community Impact at Aloha United Way, discussed the updated ALICE® report, what it tells us about Hawaii’s financially struggling families pre-COVID since the last report was done in 2018, how much Hawaii’s ALICE-and-below population will grow as a result of COVID-19, and the level of broad collaboration necessary to uplift families out of ALICE status.

You can view AUW’s updated ALICE report here.


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